Let the world know who you are and where you’ve been through the clever, original messages on your t-shirts. Give ‘em a sample of attitude in the classiest of possible ways – through screen printing! Most silk screenings have traditionally been designed and produced by experienced studio artists because of the expense and enormity of the job -- and the cleanup. But now, anyone can create beautiful home accessories and t-shirts with messages using the all-in-one Yudu Screen Printing Machine. With this little guy, you’ll learn to create cards for all occasions, contemporary posters and gorgeous art prints for every room of your home. Try it today -- 30 days for only $33.00 plus S&H – AND you’ll get $120 worth of free gifts! (via yudu -amazing products)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Bottle Tops
Bottle Tops have come along to restore my faith in the genius of As Seen On TV products. Not that I had a whole lot of faith there in the first place but I know we all hope that As Seen On TV products are really as good as advertised. It just seems like they never quite live up to their billing. Well, at least until Bottle Tops.
I read a Bottle Tops review online and didn't quite understand what all the hype was about. Who cares about turning my can into a bottle? But then I watched the attached commercial and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm the one that cares.
My family uses a lot of cans and tends to leave them around the house half filled. It's always been a bit of a challenge to drink the entire can before the soda goes flat, and frankly I'd given up. I like the taste of soda from a can as opposed to a 2 liter bottle. The flavor seems more crisp. I have resorted to trying those tiny little cans, but they are so expensive compared to the regular size you might as well just be wasteful and dump out what you don't drink.
It never occurred to me that what I was missing was simply a way to reseal my can to preserve the fizz. The idea is simple and some inventor somewhere is laughing all the way to the bank right now. All you do is pop the tab on your can and snap the bottle top in place. Then you can re-close the "bottle" anytime you want to save your fizz.
Bottle Tops are a bit more functional than what I've described so far. They also make cans more portable. I never really noticed how many energy drinks come in cans but it makes no sense. If I want an energy drink it's not so I can sip it on the couch. I want to be able to take it along on a hike, a bike ride or on a long car trip and if it were in a bottle It would make life a lot easier. Once you open one of these cans it's not like you can put it back in your fanny pack for later.
So as usual, the As Seen On TV guys zeroed in on a problem that needed solving and provided a fun and inexpensive solution. Sure it's sold as the latest and greatest product you can't live without but this one makes sense. Bottle Tops keeps your drinks fresh, keeps the kids from spilling them and makes them easier to take with you. I'm not sure if you can buy bottle tops in stores or just online but either way, I think this product will be worth trying.
Read more about Bottle Tops and watch the Bottle Tops Commercial online.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Flatow
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Riddex Power Plus
Procera AVH Memory Booster
Procera AVH is the natural way to boost your brain. Its been proven to produce positive improvements in mood, mental clarity, cognitive performance (long AND short-term memory) and intelligence. In fact, Procera AVH dramatically restores the memory and brain power you had several years ago! Right now you can buy two bottles for $39.95 each, and get a third bottle free plus S&H.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Belly Burner Belt
Body heat produced by the Belly Burner promotes calorie meltdown, rapid water loss and a higher metabolic rate. This combination of results means more weight loss for you! This amazing ab belt also provides welcome additional back support during a core workout or any exercise. In fact, you should wear it while walking, gardening, biking, dancing, jogging or any form of exercise – not just ab workouts. You’ll start to feel the sweat and the burn with very little activity, even mowing the lawn and housework. You may find that you have fewer backaches than usual, and your love handles will go missing.
Power Stain Lifter
No job is too hard for this tool! No more needing two different products to eliminate pet stains smelling up your house. And this amazing stain remover is so easy to use. Just spray, push the button to activate and blot with a towel. No more pre-treating or rinsing your carpet. The pulsating brush, with its combined fighting agents, does all the work. Arm&Hammer® Plus OxiClean® Power Stainlifter is proven to permanently remove the harshest stains and odors without you having to work hard. It quickly does away with carpet stains like chocolate, coffee, cola, fruit juice, ketchup, red wine, food grease, oil, ink, magic marker and blood! (via Power Stainlifter - Amazing Products)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Belly Burner Review
As far as As Seen On TV products go, the Belly Burner has to be the perfect product. It identifies one of the most excruciating issues facing people and offers a simple solution. If it works, millions of units will be sold and America will be fit as fiddle. What could be more perfect?
First I have to say that when I saw the Belly Burner commercial I was very skeptical but the manufacturer was careful not to make too many outrageous claims. The premise makes sense if you listen carefully and avoid the statuesque fitness models from the ad. The idea is that heating up the bodies core temperature will speed up metabolism and burn more calories during workouts.
The above statement is very important. As opposed to my initial hopes and dreams, the belly burner does not claim to work out for you. You cannot just put it on and melt away the pounds. So this As Seen On TV product is not a miracle, but that doesn't mean it won't work. The Belly Burner Commercial clearly states this workout belt is to be worn during exercise and will enhance your results.
Having said that, I think the Belly Burner, again if it works, is a cool thing. If I can slap it on and go for a walk, jog or run and burn more calories doing so, then it is worth the money. I looked for it, but could not find the Belly Burner in stores so I ordered online and got and took advantage of the 30 day trial offer. The offer states that you get the ab belt for 30 days for only the $7.95 shipping and handling cost and if not completely satisfied, then you can return it but have to eat the $7.95. Now, I know what you are saying. "Has anyone ever been completely satisfied with As Seen On TV exercise equipment?" Well, the answer is yes. If you have high hopes but reasonable expectations, you can find products which will work for you. I'm living proof.
So keep that in mind as I review the product because unlike the wild late night ads, I look for products that help me get in shape better than if I hadn't used them at all. I had high hopes for Belly Burner and after using it for a few weeks can say this. I certainly felt some heat in the area under my belt.
I was not able to substantiate if my metabolism increased because I wore it but I suspect that I actually was more diligent in my workout because of it's presence. I will say that wearing while doing exercises that require a lot of bending and lifting was a bit uncomfortable so I would recommend wearing during aerobic activity mostly.
I decided to keep it around because it was not an expensive item and my body reacted pretty much the way the commercial said it would. I have to report that I'm not overweight and only have about 1.5 inches to "pinch" in my waistline so I did not have a bunch of weight to lose. So for that reason I'm not here to say that the Belly Burner was a miracle for me but it could very well have helped me.
My recommendation is that if wearing this ab belt encourages you to work out harder and longer then it will benefit you. If you expect to put it on and wear it as a back support and hope that it will burn calories as you sit in front of the computer then it is not for you.
Like most As Seen On TV products, the Belly Burner comes as part of a program to increase the benefit of buying it. In this case, celebrity trainer Bobby Waldron gets you pumped up for the belt by giving you a calorie counter and a special workout DVD to help you maximize your benefits. The program is called the Blazing Abs DVD and it's pretty challenging. The food journal is something that I could do without but the whole package tells me that if eat right and exercise you will get results from the Belly Burner. If putting on the belt helps you do that, then by all means consider buying the product.
Read more about the Belly Burner or read other Belly Burner reviews before you decide to buy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Flatow
Monday, November 23, 2009
Yudu Sreen Printing Machine Latest Ad

Now anyone can create beautiful home accessories and t-shirts with messages using the all-in-one Yudu Screen Printing Machine. With this little guy, you’ll learn to create cards for all occasions, contemporary posters and gorgeous art prints for every room of your home. Try it today -- 30 days for only $33.00 plus S&H – AND you’ll get $120 worth of free gifts!
NCAA Snuggies
A collegiate snuggie is the latest way to support your school at those cold windy stadiums this fall. However, my contention is that collegiate snuggies are hideous but slightly on the fun side. If you've been living under a rock and don't know what a college snuggie, or any other of the millions of types of snuggies are then you're really missing out.
A Snuggie is a blanket with sleeves. The idea of wearing a blanket around seems to be pretty cool but there's no way it can ever be considered fashionable, or could it? Last year, snuggies hit the runaway at New York's fashion week and have been the subject of video parodies and mockery ever since. But sales keep rising and new snuggies hit the market place nearly every month.
There's the Snuggie, The Custom Snuggie, Snugglette for Kids, Snuggie For Dogs and the ever ugly, Designer Snuggie. If you ask me, I'd just assume wear a bathrobe backwards and get the same effect as a blanket with sleeves. I agree that it may be cozy at home and there is utility with this garment, because you can use your arms and hands as opposed to when you are huddled under a blanket, but wearing a snuggy outside the house is nuts.
Maybe that's what's making these collegiate snuggies so popular. Let's face it, often the best way to describe fanatical NCAA football fans is, well, Nuts! Fans will do anything to support their schools and wearing a collegiate snuggie to a game is probably rather tame. I imagine showing up to Death Valley in an LSU snuggie will get you noticed and adored by the other tiger fans who wished they'd thought of it first.
Now, by this time, most snuggies can be found in local stores but where to buy collegiate snuggies is a bit more difficult. Your best bet is buying snuggies online because for one you'll be able to see if your school has a snuggie and second, you'll be able to Gage its ugliness right online before you dare to buy it.
I will admit that some collegiate snuggies are cool. I'm especially fond of the Iowa Snuggie and the University of Florida Snuggie but if you look at the USC snuggie you may go blind. I suppose if you're shopping for collegiate snuggies it's because you are a fan of, or buying for a fan of a particular school, so what it looks like won't matter much.
The bottom line on Collegiate Snuggies are that they are still snuggies so they're a bit foolish but they are flying off online shelves this season.
Read more about Collegiate Snuggies or look for photos of your school's collegiate snuggie on this list.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Flatow