Thursday, February 18, 2010

Green Nicotine An Alternative Way To Smoke

GreenNicotine - The Smoke-Free Cigarette

Every cartridge contains flavoring and nicotine equal to two packs of traditional cigarettes, and each flavor -- Western, Oriental and Mint -- is available with either high or medium nicotine content. GreenNicotine contains nicotine -- the addictive, calming and mood lifting ingredient in tobacco -- but these cartridges do not include the harmful substances associated with traditional tobacco smoking, such as tar, carbon monoxide, and countless other chemicals. GreenNicotine has no flame, and you never need a lighter. A tiny microchip inside GreenNicotine senses a drag by the user and turns on the unit. If you smoke the equivalent of a pack and a half of cigarettes per day, one battery will last you an entire day. You just change the rechargeable battery and keep on “smoking.”

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